Cooling Off

Extreme heat stresses the body. It can throw our cardiovascular system into tilt, cause cognitive dysfunction as well as organ failure and thrombosis.

When the body is no longer able to control it temperature, a heat stroke can happen. So, when it is extremely hot, the most obvious thing to do is to keep from getting dehydrated.  But it is also important to cool down the body when body temperatures rise quickly.

Here, on Paros, the heat has been overwhelming. There were days when I felt like a roasted marshmallow with no energy whatsoever. It is especially bad in the afternoon when there’s no air flow. But I’ve found a way to lower my body temperature when I start feeling weak.

I keep a small bottle of water in the freezer. Whenever I feel my body temperature going out of control, I take my little ice bottle and rub it on my forehead, on my neck, under my arms, and in the groin area. And almost immediately I feel better.


About Art for Housewives

The Storyteller....
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