Thoughts from my Mirror

Habits and routines can be very helpful. They can make us more efficient and thus save much stress. But life is not static. Certain changes in life can make our habits not only obsolete but counterproductive.

Habitual thought patterns can get us stuck in a rut. We move and wear ourselves out but without going anywhere.

Marcus Aurelius writes: “that all is as thinking makes it so” (Meditations, Book 12:22). In other words, we are our thoughts and these thoughts construct the world we live in.

News of world events as well as personal situations can make it easy get stuck in a negative mental loop. That’s why I’ve started Pretty Memories, a catalogue of photos representing special moments to help remind me that my life is full of wonderful things and that’s where my thoughts should be focused.

“Your mind will take on the character of your most frequent thoughts; souls are dyed by thought.” (Book 5:16)

“Marcus & Me” © 2023

Bibliography: Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. Penguin Books UK. Londoon. 2006.

About Art for Housewives

The Storyteller....
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2 Responses to Thoughts from my Mirror

  1. mont-ja says:

    Thanks so much Cynthia for this inspirational idea and for materialize my souvenirs emotional-inspiration and put them together in a artist book… manos a la obra!

  2. Let me know how your “souvenir” book turns out!

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