The Fortress Within

Marcus Aurelius became emperor in 161 AD. Right after he started his reign, Rome was plagued with natural disasters: a pandemic, flooding of the Tiber, and scarcity of food. There was also the problem of conflicts with the Christians and of invasions from northern tribes. It kept Marcus’ heart uneasy and shackled with anxiety.

But with time, experience, and his Stoic training, Marcus began responding to his problems in a different way. When anxious, instead of freaking out he’d ask himself “Why am I troubled?”

“You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.”

This strength has a home Marcus calls the fortress within. He also refers to it as the soul. And it is here one must go when troubled because “Nowhere you can go is more peaceful—freer of interruptions—than your own soul.”

To relax, we often feel the need to get away so we run off somewhere like to the countryside, to the sea, or to the hills. But why go through all that trouble when there’s no place that can give you the calm and relaxation than that of the fortress within. All we need to do when feel ill at ease and want to renew ourselves is retreat to our soul. (Meditations 4:3)

To relax, we often feel the need to get away so we run off somewhere like to the countryside, to the sea, or to the hills. But why go through all that trouble when there’s no place that can give you the calm and relaxation than that of the fortress within. All we need to do when feel ill at ease and want to renew ourselves is retreat to our soul. (Meditations 4:3)

So how can we create this inner citadel? How do we fortify our soul?

Inscribed on Delphi’s Temple to Apollo is the maxim “Know Thyself” and that’s a good place to start as it’s important to know what kind of terrain you’re constructing on before you get started.

How much of what you think you know about yourself is actually true? Have you constructed your own personal philosophy or have you let someone else do it for you (ex. tradition, religion, political party). Who is in command of your soul?

I don’t know if the concept of a fortress within is the same for women as it is for men. But I’m going to start my construction in front of the sea. Maybe with an aperitif.

“Marcus & Me” © 2023

Note: the Stoic fortress within is generally referred to as Inner Citadel

Related: Diary Writing and other Spiritual Practice

About Art for Housewives

The Storyteller....
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